About angel

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So far angel has created 202 blog entries.
4 07, 2023

Japan Bound – New Youtube Series Coming Soon!


I know it's been a while since I've updated, but not for lack of working on new projects I assure you. Instead, I haven't updated because I've been overwhelmed by an amazing new opportunity

Japan Bound – New Youtube Series Coming Soon!2023-08-30T18:28:50-04:00
17 05, 2023

Joslyn’s Alice in Wonderland Bunting


It's no surprise to anyone that I don't draw as much as I used to, and I decided a while back that I was going to take a step back from commissions; they are

Joslyn’s Alice in Wonderland Bunting2023-05-17T12:51:56-04:00
11 04, 2023

Saskatchewan Flora Patches


Winter is always a bit rough here in Western Canada. It's long, often bitter cold, and while it's more sunny here than in other parts of Canada we have our fair share of gray

Saskatchewan Flora Patches2023-04-11T18:07:52-04:00
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