Of the different flowers that are popular motifs for the month of February in the kanzashi calendar, camellias are not really one of my faves. I have a bit of a mental block around some of the techniques used for making camellias, notably the broader ruffled-type petals. I always think I’m going to master this technique next time I try make camellias, but end up falling back on the layered style that I’ve used to craft them before.
While I did try, half-heartedly, to do a new style this time, but ended up falling back again.

I’m sure I’ll get it eventually, just like I did with sagari, but today is not that day.
Still, I can’t be mad at myself. We don’t learn if we don’t try, but sometimes you have to be practical and favor getting things done instead of banging your head against a wall until you finally get something right.

I made seven camellia hair pins, one slightly larger and six smaller pieces in white, pink, and two-tone colors. These pieces are all now available in the shop along with the rest of the February product drop.
These pieces, like many of the pieces I’m going to be creating this year, were made possible by a production grant from Creative Saskatchewan – who were kind enough to support the production of over 500 new works of tsumami craft made by me. If you’ve ever wanted to support an arts organization, I can’t recommend Creative Saskatchewan enough.
I’m feeling proud of myself for having posted weekly for these last two months. Consistency has always been a struggle for me, to the point where my goal at the beginning of the year was 12 posts – one post every month – a far cry from past goals where I told myself I wanted to post weekly. I actually have posts ready to go for 11 of the 12 months of 2025, and although I have been pushing to post more I feel great joy in knowing that I’ve just about accomplished my goal for the year.
Anyhoo, that is all I’ve got for today. I hope to see you guys again next week with more crafty creative projects.
If you like this set and want to see more of my work in the future, be sure to join the Mailing List to get notified whenever an update is posted. You can also follow me on Instagram and check out my Youtube for videos showing my crafting process, travel, shopping, and gaming. 🙂 Check back here again next week for more crafty projects, and at the end of the month when this set and more will be dropping into the Shop!
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