What better way to end the work week than with a few new kanzashi? This time, I made some canola (nanohana) blossoms. Canola are a beautiful bright yellow and here in Saskatchewan you can see entire fields full of them. They are one of our chief exports, along with wheat. Whenever we pass by a field of canola I have to resist the urge to get out of the car and frolic through the field. Pretty sure that would be trespassing, hahaha.
Canola blossoms are also a popular motif that maiko (apprentice geisha) wear during the month of March. So, these pins both represent Saskatchewan and fill out another month of my kanzashi calendar. Huzzah!
I’ve never made canola blossoms before. They are deceptively difficult to do because the petals have to be very round in order to cover the entire base, and there are only four petals on each blossom. I spent a lot of time carefully stretching and shaping the petals so that they looked good.

Butterflies are also pretty popular in the month of March too. Since I like making each of my pins unique, I decided to add a pink butterfly to the clip, and a little glittering green mizuhiki work to the pin.
Of these canola pins, my favorite is probably the trio with the pink butterfly though. I hadn’t planned on making this particular pin, but ended up with some extra canola flowers. Sometimes things just work out how they are supposed to; they definitely did in this case.
I was worried about the butterfly being too big, but looking at it now I feel like it’s just the right size. If you like these lovely canola kanzashi, they are now available in the Shop.
Well, I think that’s about all for today. There’s plenty more coming along down the line, so do check back on Monday for a fresh new blog post!