Peony Kusudama Hair Pin
Peonies are one of my favorite flowers, which of course means they are also one of my favorite kanzashi motifs. I also really enjoy making kusudama, as working on a kusudama always put me
Remake Series: Two-tone Peony Brooch
Tsumami-zaiku has always been an art that comes with a component of re-creation. Legend has it that the first kanzashi were created from silk kimono that were cut into squares and remade into decorative
Hollyhock & Nightingale Set
I've always had a bit of an adverse reaction to fear. If something scares or bothers me, I might avoid it for a while, but eventually - especially if it's not something that should
Camellia Hair Pins & February Product Drop
Of the different flowers that are popular motifs for the month of February in the kanzashi calendar, camellias are not really one of my faves. I have a bit of a mental block around
Plentiful Pinwheel Kanzashi
Pinwheels are one of those whimsical little creations that have always sparked joy in me. I have hazy memories of seeing a massive display of pinwheels as a child in Hawaii, and have been
Peachy Pink Plum Blossom Hair Pin
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! I know that this isn't a holiday that everyone celebrates - especially seeing as how commercialized its become - but I've always been a believer in celebrating for any reason.