1 10, 2019

Our Nerdy Kitchen Renovation


Since we got possession of our townhouse last year Dave and I have been working on renovating and decorating it - although the bulk of the design insanity comes down to me. I've finished

Our Nerdy Kitchen Renovation2019-09-29T19:47:11-04:00
18 09, 2019

The Traveling Chest – A Discworld Tribute


When I moved to Canada a few years ago, my Mom gave me a lot of things. One of my favorite things is a wooden chest that she got in Alaska long before I

The Traveling Chest – A Discworld Tribute2019-09-18T15:45:07-04:00
16 04, 2019

Antique Bar Cart & Wine Glass Shelf


Dave and I don't drink very often, but I wanted to make sure that we at least had a set of wine glasses in the event that we had company and wanted to drink.

Antique Bar Cart & Wine Glass Shelf2019-04-16T12:30:14-04:00
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