11 05, 2020

A Bat Hat for Saichan


I have always enjoyed creating things for my friends, and since I've been on a hat making kick I thought it would be cool to make a hat for one of my oldest

A Bat Hat for Saichan2020-05-09T19:01:25-04:00
29 04, 2020

From the Ashes – A Many Tailed Phoenix Fascinator


When I finished my pillbox hat earlier this month I was immediately struck by the urge to make another hat. I really enjoyed making the pillbox hat and thought it would be easy enough

From the Ashes – A Many Tailed Phoenix Fascinator2020-04-29T02:15:23-04:00
25 04, 2020

Virginia’s Wedding Set


Spring has finally sprung here in Saskatchewan, and I have been hard at work in the studio working on lots of new projects. Streaming every day on Twitch has really helped me get a

Virginia’s Wedding Set2020-04-25T01:56:44-04:00
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