About angel

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So far angel has created 202 blog entries.
29 04, 2020

From the Ashes – A Many Tailed Phoenix Fascinator


When I finished my pillbox hat earlier this month I was immediately struck by the urge to make another hat. I really enjoyed making the pillbox hat and thought it would be easy enough

From the Ashes – A Many Tailed Phoenix Fascinator2020-04-29T02:15:23-04:00
25 04, 2020

Virginia’s Wedding Set


Spring has finally sprung here in Saskatchewan, and I have been hard at work in the studio working on lots of new projects. Streaming every day on Twitch has really helped me get a

Virginia’s Wedding Set2020-04-25T01:56:44-04:00
19 04, 2020

Butterfly Clutch and Obidome & Appledainty now on Twitch!


Since the quarantine started I've been making an effort to  balance my love of trying new things with the need to use up older materials from my stash. To that end, this week I

Butterfly Clutch and Obidome & Appledainty now on Twitch!2020-04-19T17:07:46-04:00
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