About angel

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So far angel has created 202 blog entries.
25 02, 2019

The Pathos of Things – Spring (Miniature)


I wasn't expecting to have this piece done quite so soon, but I'm pleasantly surprised to share with you all this next piece in The Pathos of Things collection - Spring (miniature). This piece

The Pathos of Things – Spring (Miniature)2019-03-02T19:02:42-05:00
15 02, 2019

The Pathos of Things – Autumn (Miniature)


I decided this year that instead of trying to produce a ton of small pieces, that I wanted to focus on creating larger pieces that stretch my creativity. Making little pins is fun, but

The Pathos of Things – Autumn (Miniature)2019-02-15T10:26:27-05:00
8 02, 2019

An Island in a Sea of DIY Madness


The last six months or so, I've been plugging away at renovating and furnishing our house. You would think that in that time I would have gotten a lot more completely finished, especially during

An Island in a Sea of DIY Madness2019-01-23T20:50:29-05:00
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