12 08, 2016

A Better Place


This year Dave and I have experienced a great deal of loss. We're certainly in the age group where our older relatives are passing away. But life, as ever, loves to give you the unexpected.

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18 07, 2016

Our Prize Winning Honeymoon Story


I don't normally post on Mondays, but I just found out some exciting news. Last year after we got back from our honeymoon I submitted a honeymoon story to Traveler's Joy for their annual honeymoon

Our Prize Winning Honeymoon Story2016-11-08T12:52:03-05:00
27 05, 2016

Back in Action


It's been a tough couple weeks without my computer, but now we're back in action. I got my computer back from the shop on Wednesday and I finished up detailing all of the bracelets

Back in Action2016-11-08T12:52:03-05:00
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