26 10, 2018

Cherry Blossom Barrettes


Life has been pretty hectic the last few months. Getting our house renovated and ready to actually live in has been a lot of work, and hasn't left me much time to work on

Cherry Blossom Barrettes2018-10-20T20:58:58-04:00
25 05, 2018

The Voice of the Tempest Reliquary


Although I am, of course, a huge fan of a lot of things (most obviously, Sailor Moon), I don't often do fanart. This has changed recently, with my husband and I's growing interest in

The Voice of the Tempest Reliquary2019-01-31T14:04:57-05:00
11 05, 2018

Iris Kanzashi


Last year was a pretty solid year for me in terms of kanzashi making. These iris kanzashi are 'new to you,' in that I crafted them last year, but am only now getting around

Iris Kanzashi2018-05-08T00:00:08-04:00
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