My Favorite Headband Reimagined
angel2017-11-07T19:09:31-05:00I've spent a lot my time over the last couple years making kanzashi. For friends, family, for my Etsy shop and to sell at craft shows and conventions. I designed a set of kanzashi
I've spent a lot my time over the last couple years making kanzashi. For friends, family, for my Etsy shop and to sell at craft shows and conventions. I designed a set of kanzashi
It's hard to believe that December is already here. Although, since it's been snowing here in Saskatoon since late October, how surprising can it really be? Hah! Now that all my conventions and art
Although I do like red maple leafs, especially the deep purpley-red ones (must do some in that color next year!), fall leafs in the middle of turning are also quite lovely. Japan is a