19 04, 2020

Butterfly Clutch and Obidome & Appledainty now on Twitch!


Since the quarantine started I've been making an effort to  balance my love of trying new things with the need to use up older materials from my stash. To that end, this week I

Butterfly Clutch and Obidome & Appledainty now on Twitch!2020-04-19T17:07:46-04:00
14 04, 2020

Lily and Butterfly Padded Headband


Recently a friend commissioned me to make a spider lily hair clip for her wedding. These lilies were my first attempt at making spider lilies - but weren't quite the shape she was looking

Lily and Butterfly Padded Headband2020-04-14T00:06:35-04:00
4 04, 2020

Waterlily and Dragonfly Pillbox Hat


I've always wanted to try  my hand at making a pillbox hat, but millinery has also seemed a little intimidating and I'm not fond of sewing. But, I felt determined to give it a

Waterlily and Dragonfly Pillbox Hat2020-04-04T04:07:13-04:00
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