25 04, 2020

Virginia’s Wedding Set


Spring has finally sprung here in Saskatchewan, and I have been hard at work in the studio working on lots of new projects. Streaming every day on Twitch has really helped me get a

Virginia’s Wedding Set2020-04-25T01:56:44-04:00
29 07, 2019

Wisteria and Butterfly Kanzashi


It's been a long week. I've been working on many projects at once, and have been trying to get my house in order before my Mom and Aunts visit in August.  Even though I'm

Wisteria and Butterfly Kanzashi2019-07-29T10:12:21-04:00
22 07, 2019

Orchid and Fern Kanzashi


It has been very busy over here, though you wouldn't be able to tell by looking at this blog or my social media! I've had a lot of projects in progress, and of course

Orchid and Fern Kanzashi2019-07-22T10:53:49-04:00
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